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Bwine F7 MINI ドローン - 大人用 60 分間 GPS 4K HD UHD カメラ付き - ブラシレスモーター付き 5GH FPV RC クアッドコプター、オートリターン、フォローミー、サークルフライ、ウェイポイントフライ、高度保持、バッテリー 2 個付き長時間飛行、カスタマイズされたキャリングケースプロフェッショナルカメラドローン

Bwine F7 MINI ドローン - 大人用 60 分間 GPS 4K HD UHD カメラ付き - ブラシレスモーター付き 5GH FPV RC クアッドコプター、オートリターン、フォローミー、サークルフライ、ウェイポイントフライ、高度保持、バッテリー 2 個付き長時間飛行、カスタマイズされたキャリングケースプロフェッショナルカメラドローン


通常価格 $279.99 USD
通常価格 セールスプライス $279.99 USD
セール 完売
税込み。 送料はチェックアウト時に計算されます。

29 orders in last 90 days

倉庫: 中国/米国/ヨーロッパ、すべての国に配送可能、税込み。


Express Shipping: 5-8 days;



Bwine F7 MINI ドローンのクイック情報

ブランド ワイン
メディアの種類 SD
ビデオ キャプチャ解像度 2k、4k
電池は付属していますか はい
バッテリーセルの構成 リチウムイオン

Bwine F7 MINI ドローン 機能

  • 【4K UHD カメラ】: ドイツから輸入された衝撃吸収ボールを使用して構築された最適化されたフル HD カメラにより、カメラはより多くの UHD 4K(4096x3072P) 高解像度の詳細を捉えることができます。 ビデオは SD カードに 2K 保存して録画し、携帯電話で 2K 視聴することができます。 5GHz FPV 伝送と 130°FOV レンズを備えた 90° 調整可能なカメラにより、1,640 フィートから鳥瞰図で壮大な広角ショットを撮影できます。
  • 【GPS SMART FLY】: ①バッテリー残量が少なくなったり、信号が失われたり、キーを 1 つ押して戻ると、自動的に戻ります。 ドローンを紛失する心配はもうありません。 ②自動で追従したり、設定した経路に沿って飛行したり、ある地点を周回して飛行したりするなど、あなただけのインテリジェント機能がさらに充実。 ③さらに、マルチセンサー、空気オプティカルフロー、気圧高度制御システムを搭載しており、屋内外問わず安定してホバリングでき、若い初心者にも非常に優しいドローンです。
  • 【ダブルバッテリー、ダブルの楽しさ】: バッテリーが 2 個付属しており、最長 60 分の飛行時間でドローンが空を自由に泳げます。 初めてドローンを操縦する場合でも、初心者から熟練者まで訓練するのに十分な長いトレーニング時間があります。 充電を減らして、より多くの飛行を可能にします。 充電時は9種類の過電流保護機能があり、使用しないときは非常に安全に保管できます。
  • 【ユニークなデザイン】 ①重量は 250g 未満で、FAA 登録を免除されます。先進的な折りたたみ式デザインでハンバーガーのように手に持ち、制限なくいつでもどこでも飛行することが非常に簡単で便利です。 ②さらに、F7mini ブラシレスモーターは、ブラシ付きモーターと比較してノイズがはるかに少なく、より強力に動作します。さらに、保護ネットの層が追加されており、飛行中の異物の干渉がより少なくなるため、モーターの寿命が長くなります。
  • 【何が得られますか?】: Bwine F7mini ドローン x 1、送信機 2 x 7 x 1。 6V 2100mAhバッテリー、8×プロペラブレード、3×マニュアルガイド、1×ポータブルバッグ、2×USBケーブル、1×ドライバー、10×ネジ。 さらに、破損した商品の交換については 2 年間の保証があり、理由を問わず 30 日間の返金が提供されます。 ご質問がございましたら、いつでもお待ちしております。


F7MINI 4k Drone
fpv drone
4k drone
gps drone
Mini drone for beginner



Customer Reviews

Based on 3 reviews
F7 MINI Drone Review

I just received the drone and didn't get a chance to explore more. However, it looks good out of the box and light weight. I also like the carrying case is very durable and nice looking.
Customer service was so far great. they respond back to me quickly so I appreciate that kind of customer care and faster response time.
I will post some pictures once I play with this toy enough.

Bwine F7 MINI Drone Review

This is an awesome little drone and it works perfectly for my needs. I ordered this one after checking it out on YouTube and some other sites. It doesn’t have all the fancy features of a premium drone, but for the money it’s an excellent value. The seller was also offering an instant rebate which helped seal the deal for me. Battery life is pretty good considering how much power this thing seems to have. I wanted to get a drone to fly around the property with my kids and I’m very pleased with this set. I’ve crashed a few times (I’m still learning the basics) but this thing has held up well. The controls are easy to learn and the smart phone integration is easy. I’ve seen some bad reviews regarding the downloadable app, but my experience has been excellent. For the price you get a great value if you’re looking to break into this hobby.

Bwine F7 MINI Drone Review

So, I've held off on my review to fully test the done. I didn't want to say it's good without testing it in every condition available to me. But it's good! Especially at its price point.

First of all, I've gone running with my drone (follow mode), hiking (take a picture at the peak), desert hiking, kayaking (GPS route planned), skateboarding (follow mode), and playing tennis (left mid-air to watch from above). Plus tested the drone in different wind conditions, from level 1 to level 4 wind conditions.

The drone has surpassed my expectations. I can literally take it anywhere with me. Since it's the size of a small lunch bag, including the controller and the batteries, it's super convenient and I don't have to care. I simply charge the batteries overnight and take it with me everywhere I go. It has a permanent spot in my car. The only complaint I have is that I want more batteries since I use it pretty often and I forget to charge it or I just absolutely fly it like a madman.

Since I've started training my running form I have taken my drone with me and put it on follow mode. That way I can record my form through the whole run. It sounds kind of silly, but right now I'm trying to get faster and it works out perfectly. I can see when I'm leaning too far back, or slouching too much, or when I'm not pushing from my toes and just lifting my legs, or when my cadence is off, etc. Kinda geeky, but that's what I mainly use it for on my morning runs.

The f7 comes with 2 batteries in the bag, so you are able to fly it for 1 whole hour in two 30-minute intervals. It will alert you when you need to change the battery and go back to "home" if it dies mid-flight. It's pretty good considering you are using the camera and other stuff. It does last a little longer if it's on manual mode and you aren't actively taking video and just messing around. But if you put it in sport mode and fly like I do it will last 20-24 mins. Still, pretty good considering all the stress I put this through haha.

Talking about the battery, the drone lasts less in high wind conditions. But that's not a bad thing. It auto-corrects so it doesn't drift with the wind. In level 4-5 conditions, it does struggle. Close to 17-23 mph and I didn't feel too comfortable flying it without risking feeling like it was going to crash if I wasn't careful. I didn't want to risk breaking it after I've come to use it so much. I hope you understand...

I would honestly compare it to my friend's DJI mini 2 but at half the price.

Something that I thought was funny was the location of the SD card slot. It's on the side of the drone and it blends right in, so I just kept looking over it. I don't want to admit it but it took me looking at the manual to find it... You need to format or something on the SD card the first time you use it if you are trying to fast-speed write. But you don't have to until you are ready and you can use it at normal write speed. Thought I would share that so you didn't accidentally click on it. After it was configured for fast writing it didn't ask for anything else and hasn't asked about it since.

There is a message in the app, that you can skip over, that teaches you how to set up and use the drone. So you don't need to worry about reading the instructions every time you want to fly. Especially if you lost them. Plus it's pretty intuitive, so it works great.

I can honestly say that it's a great drone. It follows me everywhere I run, it's pretty smooth when I record my friend's skateboarding, or when I go out kayaking or hiking. It's half the price of a DJI mini 2 and has all the same features, so I'm pretty happy with it. I did reach out to BWine to buy more batteries since I wanted to have some backup ones and didn't have the link and they helped pretty quickly with that. I was honestly surprised at their customer support. I genuinely expected them to take a week to reply but they sent a reply overnight. So that was pretty cool.

Hopefully, this helps, I love when I can check out other people's reviews before I buy something :)