Колекція: DJI Agriculture Drone

DJI Agriculture's lineup, designed for crop protection, emphasizes efficient and autonomous operation. The models include:

  • DJI AGRAS T20P: Tailored for precision in targeted spraying applications, this model combines efficiency with the latest in drone technology for optimized crop protection.
  • DJI AGRAS T40: A step up in terms of capacity and capabilities, the T40 is designed for large-scale operations, offering enhanced autonomy and extensive coverage.
  • DJI AGRAS T30: This model strikes a balance between capacity and maneuverability, making it suitable for a wide range of agricultural needs, from medium to large farms.
  • DJI AGRAS T10: An entry-level drone that brings DJI's advanced agricultural technology to smaller operations, providing a cost-effective solution for precise crop spraying.
  • DJI AGRAS T60: The DJI T60 agricultural drone sets a new standard in the field with its powerful seeding system, boasting a maximum output of 190 kg/min and a spreading width of up to 8 meters. Equipped with an interchangeable auger for double the flow precision and enhanced material adaptability, it excels across various operational scenarios including large-scale farming, mountainous regions, and aquaculture. The T60's robust power allows for carrying and dispersing up to 50 kg of spray or 60 kg of seed, supported by a newly designed pressure centrifugal spray head and seeding system for efficient all-scenario operations. Further enhancing its performance is the Safety System 3.0, ensuring comprehensive protection day and night, making every operation outstandingly safe and effective.

Each of these drones is engineered to meet the diverse demands of modern agriculture, from smallholder farms to extensive agricultural enterprises, ensuring effective and efficient crop management through autonomous drone technology.