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Utoaji wa Haraka 5328S Propellers kwa DJI FPV Combo - Props Paddle Blade Replacement Wing Fan Sehemu ya Vipuri vya DJI FPV Drone Accessory

Utoaji wa Haraka 5328S Propellers kwa DJI FPV Combo - Props Paddle Blade Replacement Wing Fan Sehemu ya Vipuri vya DJI FPV Drone Accessory


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Regular price Sale price $14.67 USD
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ya Mchanganyiko wa DJI FPV: Kipanga Rangi

Uzito: 10.3g/pair

Ukubwa: 11.8*11.8*1.05cm

Kifurushi: Ndiyo

Asili: Uchina Bara

Nambari ya Muundo: Propela za DJI FPV COMBO

Aina ya Vifuasi vya Drones: PROPELLER

Chapa Inayooana ya Drone: DJI

Jina la Biashara: BRDRC

Linda ndege yako isiyo na rubani! ↓↓↓

Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Backpack for DJI FPV Combo CLick it

propela ya Mchanganyiko wa DJI FPV

1. Uzani mwepesi na thabiti wa kuruka,
2. Imetengenezwa kwa nyenzo za kudumu na ugumu wa hali ya juu, na kutoa nguvu kubwa ya kuvuta kwa ndege,
3. Ukubwa sahihi, thabiti, hakuna kasia, na si rahisi kulegeza,
4. Muundo wa vyombo vya habari, muundo wa toleo la haraka, rahisi kutenganishwa na kudumu.

Nyenzo: PC
Miundo inayotumika: kwa FPV Combo
Rangi: Red Edge, Phnom Penh, Silver Edge
Uzito wa jumla: 10.3g (jozi moja), 20.4g (jozi mbili), 42g (jozi nne)
Uzito wa kifurushi: 35g (jozi moja), 55g (jozi mbili), 56.3g (jozi nne)
Ukubwa wa bidhaa: 11.8*11.8*1.05cm, 6.7cm (radius)
Ukubwa wa kifurushi: 12*11.5*3cm (jozi), 12*11.5*4.5cm (jozi mbili), 26*18cm(jozi nne)

Orodha ya Ufungashaji:
1pcs Propeller (jozi)
1pcs propeller (jozi mbili)
1pcs propeller (jozi nne)

Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Propellers For FPV Combo 11.Scm 12cm 3.ScQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Propellers For FPV Combo 11cm 4.Scm 12cmQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo,  propeller for DJI FPV Combo Feature:Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Strong Pulling Force Excellent Dynamic Balance Lightweight and stable flight Quick Release Design Press and rotateQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Three Colors, Multiple Choices Red Golden Silver Red propeller edge Silver propeller Edge Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, arc of the oar tip makes the flight more stable Triangular design, higherQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Installation Steps 1. Align the blades 2 Press and rotate 3. The installation with the propelQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Shipping List One pair Red propeller Golden propeller edge

propela ya rangi ya DJI FPV

Nyenzo: PC
Miundo inayotumika: kwa FPV Combo
Rangi: Nyekundu, kijani, buluu
Uzito wa jumla: 11.5g (jozi moja), 23.2g (jozi mbili), 47.1g (jozi nne)
Uzito wa kifurushi: 31g (jozi moja), 47.7g (jozi mbili), 60g (jozi nne)
Ukubwa wa bidhaa: 11.8*11.8*1.05cm, 6.7cm (radius) >Ukubwa wa kifurushi: 12*11.5*3cm (jozi), 12*11.5*4.5cm (jozi mbili), 20.8*14.8cm (jozi nne)

Orodha ya Ufungashaji:
1pcs Propeller (jozi )
propela 1pcs (jozi mbili)
1pcs propeller (jozi nne)

Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Propellers For FPV Combo 11cm 4.Scm 12cmQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, PC Applicable models: for FPV Combo Color: Red, green, blueQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Propellers For FPV Combo 11.Scm 12cm 3.ScQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Optical three primary colors choose as you like Red Green Blue Red GreenQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, according to the propeller ring, align the . propeller with the corresponding propel

Ili kusakinisha propela, ziambatanishe na viti vya propela sambamba kwenye pete ya propela, kisha bonyeza na uimarishe mahali pake kulingana na mwelekeo wa sehemu ya juu ya propela. propela, inakamilisha usakinishaji.

Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo SPECIFICATIONQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Made of durable materials with high rigidity, providing strong pulling force for the aircraft Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo,  propeller for DJI FPV Combo Feature:Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Made of durable materials with high rigidity, providing strong pulling force for the aircraft Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo,  propeller for DJI FPV Combo Feature:
Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, PC Applicable models: for FPV Combo Color: Red, green, blueQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Made of durable materials with high rigidity, providing strong pulling force for the aircraft Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo SPECIFICATIONQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Press design, quick release design, easy to disassemble and durableQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Accurate size, stable, no paddles, and not easy to loosen,Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo,  propeller for DJI FPV Combo Feature:

Propela yenye mfuko wa DJI FPV

Nyenzo: PC
Miundo inayotumika: kwa FPV Combo
Rangi: Red Edge, Phnom Penh, Silver Edge
Uzito wa jumla: 24.2g (jozi mbili), 45g (nne )
Uzito wa kifurushi: 33.2g (jozi mbili), 59g (jozi nne)
Ukubwa wa bidhaa: 11.8*11.8*1.05cm, 6.7cm (radius)

Orodha ya vifungashio 1:1>1>130 propela (jozi mbili)
propela 1pcs (jozi nne)

Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Made of durable materials with high rigidity, providing strong pulling force for the aircraft Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo,  propeller for DJI FPV Combo Feature:Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Accurate size, stable, no paddles, and not easy to loosen,Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo SPECIFICATIONQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, Made of durable materials with high rigidity, providing strong pulling force for the aircraft Quick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo, PC Applicable models: for FPV Combo Color: Red, green, blueQuick Release 5328S Propellers for DJI FPV Combo - Prop

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