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T-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-series Motor Kwa VTOL Heavy Lift Quadcoptor Multicoptor UAV Aircraft

T-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-series Motor Kwa VTOL Heavy Lift Quadcoptor Multicoptor UAV Aircraft


Regular price $438.13 USD
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T-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-mfululizo TAARIFA za Motor

Tumia: Magari na Vifaa vya Kuchezea vya Udhibiti wa Mbali

Kupendekeza Umri: 14+y

Sehemu za RC & Accs: Motors

Asili: Uchina Bara

Nambari ya Mfano: U10 pamoja na KV80

Nyenzo: Chuma

Kwa Aina ya Gari: Ndege

Jina la Biashara: T-MOTOR


TEKNOLOJIA ZA U-POWER U1O PLUS AINA YA UFANISI Mizigo mizito na muda mrefu wa safari za ndege Upigaji picha za angani za Uchunguzi wa Akiolojia Uchunguzi wa hisi za mbali na Ramani n.k INDUSTRIAL GRAP>T-Motor, three screws are used to fix the stator and rotor together in a triang

Mota ya U10 Plus ina muundo wa kipekee ambapo skrubu tatu hulinda stator na rota katika usanidi wa pembetatu, kuhakikisha uthabiti na usalama ulioimarishwa.

T-Motor, unique hollow shaft minimizes the overall motor weight The shape steel shaft resists deflection under

Muundo wa kipekee wa shimoni hupunguza uzito wa jumla wa gari, ilhali muundo mgumu wa shimoni la chuma hustahimili mkengeuko chini ya mzigo, hivyo huhakikisha uthabiti.

T-Motor, precision winding techniques assure tighter fit between coil and slot . 0.2 mm size

Mbinu za kukunja kwa usahihi huhakikisha mshikamano mkali kati ya koili na tundu, huku karatasi za juu za silikoni zenye unene wa 0.2mm husaidia kupunguza joto na mikondo ya eddy.

T-Motor, LARGER BEARINGS LOWER NOISE The adoption of larger bearings reduce

Kwa kutumia fani kubwa, tunaweza kupunguza kwa kiasi kikubwa mifadhaiko, mtetemo na viwango vya kelele ndani ya injini, hivyo kusababisha utendakazi tulivu.

T-Motor, Compatible with CF props & plastic props with 8mm central hole . compatible

Motor hii inaoana na kaboni fiber (CF) na propela za plastiki zilizo na shimo la kati la 8mm. Zaidi ya hayo, imeundwa kufanya kazi bila mshono na miundo ya propela ya T-MOTOR yenyewe ya CF26, CF27, CF28, na CF30.

T-Motor, DM2tor CHe 5 GotadJa U1O PLUS Recom

DM2tor CHe 5 GotadJa U1O PLUS Pendekezo (Kwa marejeleo) 4.2k4k PLUS UKGI8MGIARMAR. OPLUS OOkv 5.6KG/ARM uioplus okv

T-Motor, 6-14S Idle Current@1Ov Max Continuous Power 1500w Max Continuous Current

Maelezo: Imetumika Sasa kwa 6-14S, 10V; Nguvu ya Juu ya Kuendelea: 1500W; Kiwango cha Juu cha Sasa kinachoendelea: 33A (data ya kupima mzigo wa 180S); Joto la Mazingira: 50 ° C; Voltage ya Uendeshaji: DC; Msambazaji wa Nishati: Propane (Betri ya Lipo).

T-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor, Test Report Test Item U10 PLUS KV1OO Report NO. 000015 Specific

Maagizo ya Bidhaa: U10PLUS Nambari ya Ripoti ya KV80: 000015. Sifa Muhimu: * Upinzani wa Ndani: 6 ohms * Usanidi: 36N4OP (ikiwezekana inarejelea muundo wa gari au usanidi wa vilima) * Kipenyo cha shimoni: 15mm * Vipimo vya Motor: 88.6mm x 40mm * Kebo ya AWG: geji 16 (#16) * Urefu wa Kebo: 90mm * Uzito (pamoja na nyaya): 508 gramu * Uzito (bila kebo): 500 gramu * Idadi ya Seli (Lipo): seli 6-12 (huenda inarejelea usanidi wa betri uliopendekezwa kwa matumizi na injini hii) * Ya Sasa Haifanyi Kazi @ 10V: 1.0A * Nguvu ya Juu Inayoendelea: Sekunde 180, 1700W * Upeo Unaoendelea Sasa: ​​Sekunde 180, 36A (Mzigo)

T-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor, Test Item U10 PLUS KV1ZO Report No. 000016 SpecificationsT-Motor, Test Item U10 PLUS KV1ZO Report No. 000016 SpecificationsT-Motor, Test Item U10 PLUS KV1ZO Report No. 000016 SpecificationsT-Motor, Test Item U10 PLUS KV1ZO Report No. 000016 SpecificationsT-Motor, Test Item U10 PLUS KV1ZO Report No. 000016 Specifications >T-Motor U10 Plus KV80 Report No. 000016: Specifications: * Upinzani wa Ndani: 21mΩ * Usanidi: Awamu 3, OP 4-pole (Oerlikon-Paillard) * Kipenyo cha shimoni: 15mm * Vipimo vya magari: Ø88.6mm x 40mm * Ukubwa wa Cable ya AWG: 16# * Urefu wa Kebo: 90mm * Uzito na Kebo: 511g * Uzito bila Cables: 500g * Idadi ya seli (Lithium-Ion): 6-12V * Hali ya Kutofanya kazi kwa 10V: 1.9A * Kiwango cha Juu cha Nguvu Inayoendelea: 180S, 200W * Kiwango cha Juu Zaidi cha Sasa: ​​18A

T-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serieT-Motor U10 Plus KV80 12KG Thrust U-serie

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