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思億霍爾感測器寬電壓高精度電源模組旨在提高飛控系統的性能和安全性,並具有卓越的電源精度和穩定性。此電源模組支援 7 至 100 V 的輸入範圍,整合高精度霍爾電流感測器,提供非接觸式高精度電流測量。憑藉其寬電壓偵測能力,此模組可確保持續可靠的供電,這對於要求嚴苛的無人機操作至關重要。


  • 寬電壓輸入和檢測:適應7至100伏特的電壓輸入範圍,偵測精確,為不同環境的飛行操作提供強而有力的保護。

  • 非接觸式高精度測量:採用霍爾感測器,實現非接觸式電流檢測,提高測量精度,避免接觸電阻或連接不良所造成的誤差。這對於安全、高頻電流監測至關重要。

  • 緊湊、輕巧的設計:電源模組主機僅重28.6克,全鋁CNC外殼,高效散熱,確保長時間使用性能穩定。

  • 介面定義及典型連接:此模組具有清晰的介面定義,包括VIN、VOUT和電流感測器端口,簡化了與飛控和其他設備的整合。典型連接可實現簡化的電源和精確的電流測量。

  • 卓越的散熱性能:此模組採用優質材料製成,可提供出色的熱管理,這對於在長時間運行期間保持最佳性能至關重要。


  • 電壓範圍:7-100V
  • 電流精度:±0.1A,採用非接觸式霍爾感測器
  • 外殼材料:全金屬 CNC 結構,增強耐用性和散熱性
  • 重量:主模組28.6g
  • 相容性:適用於需要高精度電源管理的各種無人機和自主機器人系統


SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, SIYI Technology introduces a wide-voltage high-precision power module with Hall sensor, supporting 7-100V input and detection.

思億霍爾感測器寬電壓高精度電源模組:G0a~ 思億科技持續賦能飛控系統,推出配套霍爾感測器的新型寬電壓高精度電源模組。本模組支援7至100伏特輸入,最高可達100伏特檢測,實現非接觸式高精度測量,響應速度快、可靠、靈活。其緊湊的體積和優異的散熱性能大大提高了飛控電源的穩定性和安全性,為設備運行提供高精度的數據支援。

SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, The SIYI Hall-Sensor Power Module has a wide voltage input range of 7-100V, ensuring safe and reliable operation.


SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, Hall sensors used for non-contact current detection, improving safety and accuracy, eliminating measurement errors and insertion loss.


SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, Compact & Lightweight device with excellent heat dissipation performance and minimalist design for smart robotic ecosystem.


SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, Power module for high-precision applications with wide voltage range, output limited to 5.35V and 6A maximum.

思億霍爾感測器寬電壓高精度電源模組,VIN 3238V,POTER Vin:TV-Limited Output (LOVO),Vout 5.35v,6A max,VOLT倍數:31.3 CURRENT CURRENT VOUT Sensor Sensor

SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, The SiyI Hall-Sensor Power Module measures current through hall ammeter and provides power supply, power current, and battery direction.

SiyI霍爾感測器寬電壓高精度電源模組。典型連接:給飛控供電並透過霍爾電流表測量電流。模組供電、供電電流、電池方向。規格:9988-1,電流可達6A,方向吃IS。附加規格:7322 IBEET DNE Ed.,工作電壓60V,設備供電方向。

SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, The SIYI Hall-Sensor Wide-Voltage High-Precision Power Module supplies power to a flight controller with a maximum current output of 1A.

思億霍爾感測器寬壓高精度電源模組:5.35V給飛控供電最大電流輸出100mA;最大電流輸出:1A;電壓輸入範圍:7.5-30V;工作溫度:0-80℃;輸入電流:高達 5.2A(5.35V 時為 5.5A)。

SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, The power module weighs 28.6g and has an all-aluminum CNC housing for efficient heat dissipation, ensuring stable performance.SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, This module features superior heat dissipation and excellent thermal management for maintaining optimal performance during extended operations.SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, This module provides precise data support for safe and efficient equipment operation in various industries.SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, High-Precision Measurement uses Hall sensors for non-contact current detection, improving accuracy and avoiding errors from contact resistance.SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, This power module supports 7-100V and has a high-precision Hall current sensor for non-contact, accurate current measurement.SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, The power module weighs 28.6 grams and has an aluminum housing for efficient heat dissipation, ensuring stable performance.SIYI Hall Sensor Power Module, High-precision power module for recommended flight controller N7 autopilot system.






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