KV: 390KV/435KV/555KVDetails
The Avenger 4215 V5 Drone Motor, with foldable paddles, is easy to install and carry. It offers KV ratings of 555/390/435, making it convenient for outdoor use.
The Avenger V5 motor offers a single motor thrust of up to 7.9kg, with ultra-lightweight design at 213g. It achieves maximum thrusts of 7885g and 6902g under specific conditions, showcasing high efficiency and longer flight times.
Compares two motor configurations for a drone. The first uses an Avenger 4215 V5-555KV with Folding 1248 Triblade propellers, achieving 6676g thrust at 33.6V and 12237 RPM, with a temperature of 57°C after 2 minutes at full throttle. The second uses the same motor with Folding 15558 Triblade propellers, achieving 6090g thrust at 25.2V and 8578 RPM, with a temperature of 68°C.
BrotherHobby Avenger 4215 V5 motor, highlighting its high-quality materials and dual improvements in performance and quality. Key features include a SUS420 heat-treated steel shaft, aviation-grade 7075 AL caps, N52h arc magnets, TU1 grade enameled wire, ultra-thin silicon steel sheets, and premium high-precision bearings.
Avenger 4215 V5 motor with detailed dimensions and specifications. It includes three folding propeller options: 1248, 15558, and 1865 Triblade, with rotating diameters of 316.1mm, 384.7mm, and 458.9mm respectively. The measurements are manually taken with slight deviations.
Three folding triblade propellers with different rotating diameters: 249.8 mm, 290.3 mm, and 400.1 mm, all with a hole pitch of 28 mm. The measurements are manually taken and may have slight deviations.
Powerful 390KV motor, 1865 fiberglass nylon propeller for excellent lift and handling.
Six steps for installing a folding triblade paddle on a Brother Hobby motor. It includes screwing in the propeller, aligning it, and securing it with a nut.
Installation diagram for Avenger V5 motor, showing sequence: external threaded groove, propeller connector, spacers, folding propeller, flange nut.
Avenger V5 reverse folding triblade, easy installation, no complex setup needed.
Avenger V5 motor with forward folding triblade propellers, easy installation.
Three-blade folding propeller kit includes motor, propeller, connector, screws, spacers, nut, and spring.
Packing list for a two-blade folding propeller, including a motor, folding propeller, connector, screws, spacers, flange nut, and external thread cylindrical groove. It advises informing customer service of the required propeller type (forward or reverse) before ordering.
Test report for the BrotherHobby Avenger 4215 V5 motor with a 390KV rating, using a folding 1865 triblade propeller. It includes specifications, load test data, and performance metrics such as thrust, RPM, and efficiency at various throttle settings.
Test report for the BrotherHobby Avenger 4215 V5 motor with a 435KV rating, using a Folding 15558 Triblade propeller. It includes specifications, load test data, and performance metrics such as RPM, thrust, and efficiency at various throttle settings.
Test report for the BrotherHobby Avenger 4215 V5 motor with a 555KV rating, using a Folding 1248 Triblade propeller. It includes specifications, load test data, and performance metrics such as RPM, thrust, and efficiency at various throttle settings.
Test report for the BrotherHobby Avenger 4215 V5 motor with a 555KV rating, using a Folding 15558 Triblade propeller. It includes specifications, load test data, and performance metrics such as RPM, thrust, and efficiency at various throttle percentages.