UATAIR TD550 - 550 kg Coaxial Unmanned Helicopter

UATAIR TD550 - 550 kg Coaxial Unmanned Helicopter

D550-550 kg Coaxial Unmanned Helicopter

High Loading Capacity for Versatile Applications

Product Overview

Introducing the TD550 Coaxial Unmanned Helicopter - your ultimate solution for diverse industrial needs. With its robust design and cutting-edge technology, it offers superior performance, reliability, and adaptability in various environments.

Key Advantages

  • High Payload Capacity: Capable of carrying heavy loads efficiently.
  • Fast Flight Speed: Ensures quick deployment and operation.
  • Long Endurance: Suitable for prolonged missions.
  • Strong Expandability: Easily customizable for different industrial applications.

Advanced Features

  1. Excellent Plateau Performance:

    • Supercharged Piston Aeroengine: Designed for high-altitude take-offs and landings.
    • Advanced Aerodynamic Configuration: Ensures efficient heavy load operations.
  1. Dual-Redundancy FCS:

    • High Precision HeliAP Flight Control: Offers unmatched reliability, safety, and control accuracy.
    • First-Rate Stability: Ensures smooth and stable flight operations.
  2. High Autonomous Degree:

    • Manual, Programmable, and One-Key Fully Autonomous Flight: Facilitates autonomous take-offs, landings, spot hovering, obstacle avoidance, emergency returns, and precise deliveries.
    • Excellent Environmental Adaptability: Operates efficiently in extreme temperatures, humidity, rain, sand, dust, salt-fog, mold, and low-pressure environments.
  3. Simple Structure and High Safety:

    • Easy to Install and Maintain: Cost-effective and user-friendly.
    • Comprehensive Safety Features: Includes flight control redundancy, navigation redundancy, flight envelope protection, emergency power supply, and real-time safety monitoring.

Loadable Payloads

  • EO Pod / Camera Gimbal
  • Suspension Equipment for Transportation
  • Communication Relay Equipment
  • SAR (Search and Rescue)
  • HD Mapping Equipment
  • Onboard Weapons

Performance Specifications

  • Max. Take-off Weight: 550 kg
  • Max. Payload Capacity: 120 kg
  • Max. Level Speed: 180 km/h
  • Cruise Speed: 90-120 km/h
  • Take-off/Landing Altitude: 5000 m
  • Service Ceiling: 6500 m
  • Operating Radius: 200 km (single helicopter, radio intervisibility)
  • Wind Resistance Capability: Up to Force 6 (12 m/sec)


  • Reconnaissance and Surveillance
  • Chemical Detection
  • Transportation and Delivery

Discover More

Check out our product videos for a closer look at the TD550 Coaxial Unmanned Helicopter in action. Contact us for more information and to discuss how this versatile helicopter can meet your specific needs.



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