Matek H743-SLIM Flight Controller with OSD SPECIFICATIONS
Wheelbase: Bottom Plate
Upgrade Parts/Accessories: Adapter
Tool Supplies: Assembled class
Technical parameters: Value 10
Size: 36 x 36 x 5 mm
Remote Control Peripherals/Devices: Motor
Recommend Age: 12+y,14+y
RC Parts & Accs: Connectors/Wiring
Quantity: 1 pcs
Origin: Mainland China
Model Number: Matek H743-SLIM
Material: Composite Material
Four-wheel Drive Attributes: Assemblage
For Vehicle Type: Airplanes
New Matek H743-SLIM Flight Controller 5V BEC MPU6000 Built-in OSD No Current Sensor for RC Racing Drone Multirotor Multicopter
FC Specifications
- MCU: STM32H743VIH6, 480MHz , 1MB RAM, 2MB Flash
- IMU: MPU6000 (SPI1) & ICM20602 (SPI4)
- Baro: Infineon DPS310 (I2C2)
- OSD: AT7456E (SPI2)
- Blackbox: MicroSD card socket (SDIO)
- 7x Uarts (1,2,3,4,6,7,8) with built-in inversion.
- 13x PWM outputs(including “LED” pad)
- 2x I2C
- 1x CAN
- 6x ADC (VBAT, Current, RSSI, Analog AirSpeed, Vbat2, Cur2)
- 3x LEDs for FC STATUS (Blue, Red) and 3.3V indicator(Red)
- 1x SPI3 breakout
- USB Type-C(USB2.0)
- 1x JST-SH1.0_8pin connector (Vbat/G/Curr/Rx8/S1/S2/S3/S4)
- 1x JST-GH1.25_4pin connector (5V/CAN-H/CAN-L/G)
- Dual Camera Inputs switch
- 5V/Vbat filtered power ON/OFF switch
- DJI FPV OSD is supported by any spare UART
- Vbat Input: 6~36V (2~8S LiPo)
- BEC: 5V 2A cont. (Max.3A)
- LDO 3.3V: Max.200mA
- No Current Sensor built-in
- ADC Vbat2 pad supports Max. 69V (voltage divider: 1K:20K)
- Static power: 200mA@5V with Betaflight, 150mA@5V with ArduPilot
FC Firmware
- ArduPilot(ChiBiOS): MATEKH743
- BetaFlight: MATEKH743
- INAV: MATEKH743 (To be supported soon)
- Mounting: 30.5 x 30.5mm, Φ4mm with Grommets Φ3mm
- Dimensions: 36 x 36 x 5 mm
- Weight: 7g
- 1x H743-SLIM
- 6x Silicon grommets M4 to M3
- 1x JST-SH1.0_8pin cable, 5cm
- 2x JST-SH1.0_8pin connectors
- 1x JST-GH-4P to JST-GH-4P cable for CAN port, 20cm
MATEKSYS Flight Controller H743-SLIM STM32H743VIH6 480 MHz, 2MB Flash MPU6OOO(SPIT ) & ICM2O6O2(SPI4) OSD(sPI2) DPS31O (12c2) MicroSD BlackBox (SDIO) Tx UARTs, Zx I2C Ix CAN, Ix SPI? breakout 6x ADC (Vbai, Current, VBZ CU2_ RSS

The package includes: one CAN-L connector with a single hole, measuring 36mm x 36mm x 6mm in size; a H743-SLIM flight controller; an SH-8pin connector; a GH-4P to GH-4P cable that is 20cm long; six M3 silicon grommets; and a relay sensor with five color-coded LEDs (green, blue, green, red, and blue) for the Reg indicator.