Collection: TBS Crossfire

When it comes to long-range First Person View (FPV) flying, having a reliable and robust radio system is crucial. That's where TBS Crossfire steps in. TBS Crossfire is a game-changing radio control system designed specifically for FPV enthusiasts seeking extended range capabilities, exceptional signal strength, and reliable communication. In this article, we'll delve into the features and benefits of the TBS Crossfire system, exploring how it revolutionizes long-range FPV flying.

Unmatched Range and Penetration

One of the standout features of TBS Crossfire is its exceptional range and penetration capabilities. Unlike traditional 2.4GHz systems that often struggle with signal loss or interference at longer distances, the Crossfire system operates on lower frequency bands (868MHz or 915MHz), allowing for significantly greater range potential.

With the TBS Crossfire, you can fly your FPV drone with confidence, exploring vast distances without worrying about losing control or experiencing frustrating signal dropouts. Whether you're exploring remote locations, racing in challenging environments, or embarking on epic freestyle adventures, the Crossfire system ensures a stable and reliable connection.

Unparalleled Signal Quality

Signal quality is paramount when it comes to FPV flying, and the TBS Crossfire system excels in this area. It employs advanced frequency hopping and adaptive signal processing techniques to maintain a strong and interference-free connection.

The Crossfire system continuously monitors the RF environment and automatically selects the best available frequencies, avoiding crowded or noisy channels. This intelligent frequency hopping mechanism helps to mitigate interference and ensures a clean signal for optimal control and video transmission.

Furthermore, the Crossfire system features a high receiver sensitivity, allowing it to pick up even the weakest signals. This is particularly beneficial when flying in challenging locations or behind obstacles, where other systems might struggle to maintain a reliable link.

Low Latency and Fast Response

In FPV racing and freestyle flying, split-second decisions and lightning-fast response times are essential. The TBS Crossfire system delivers exceptional performance in this regard, boasting impressively low latency and ultra-fast response times.

The Crossfire protocol ensures minimal delay between your control inputs and the drone's response. This instant feedback translates into a more connected and immersive flying experience, allowing pilots to execute precise maneuvers and make rapid adjustments with utmost precision.

Advanced Telemetry Capabilities

In addition to providing a solid control link, the TBS Crossfire system offers comprehensive telemetry capabilities. Telemetry allows you to receive real-time data and critical information from your drone while in flight. This includes battery voltage, GPS coordinates, flight mode, RSSI (Received Signal Strength Indicator), and more.

With the Crossfire system, you can monitor essential flight parameters and make informed decisions based on accurate data. This helps optimize your flying experience, prevent battery failures, and enhance overall safety.

Easy Configuration and Customization

Setting up and configuring the TBS Crossfire system is a straightforward process. The system is compatible with popular flight controllers and supports various radio transmitter models.

Through intuitive software interfaces such as Betaflight or TBS Agent, you can easily customize and fine-tune the Crossfire system to suit your preferences. From adjusting RF profiles to configuring telemetry settings and receiver options, you have full control over your setup, ensuring it meets your specific flying needs.


The TBS Crossfire system has transformed long-range FPV flying, providing pilots with unprecedented range, signal quality, and control. With its extended range capabilities, exceptional signal strength, low latency, and advanced telemetry features, the Crossfire system empowers FPV enthusiasts to explore new horizons and push the boundaries of their flying adventures.

Whether you're a seasoned long-range explorer or an adrenaline-seeking racer, the TBS Cross

fire system is a game-changer that enhances your FPV experience, ensuring a reliable and immersive connection between you and your drone. Strap on the Crossfire and embark on epic aerial journeys with confidence and control.